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View all 2016 High Points

At the start of its season, the Ohio State Marching Band again came…

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The College of Arts and…

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Former Ohio State football coach Earle Bruce will take his place in one of the most memorable traditions in college athletics as he dots the “i” in Script Ohio on Oct. 1, during pregame of the…

When the iconic Long’s Bookstore building at 1836 N. High St. meets the wrecking ball in early October, Félix González-Torres’s “Untitled (For Parkett),” a billboard-sized artwork, will come down…

The Division of Arts and Humanities has been awarded a $1.1 million grant, from the university’s Humanities and the Arts Discovery Theme, to a select group of 11 pilot projects to begin in the…

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View all 2016 High Points

A new study showed improvement in the social and communication…

When Pittsburgh native Daniel Roberts was an undergraduate student working toward a BFA degree in dance at Ohio State in the 1990s, he decided to recreate a solo work — Totem Ancestor by…

Last spring, Michael Mercil, professor, art, was awarded a 2016 Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs (BETHA) Endowment annual grant. BETHA grants support projects that examine the…