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A man scoops up thick, green scum from a harmful algal bloom in Lake Erie. (Justin Chaffin, Ohio Sea Grant)

Each summer, clouds of…

Two projects with collaborators from Ohio State recently received funding through the Ohio Federal Research Network (OFRN).

OFRN awarded $7.5 million in grants to six projects in…


The site marked with dotted lines could be the site of a future landslide in Alaska, as research by a group of scientists including Ohio…

By using the Electron-Ion Collider to slam an electron into a heavier particle such as a proton or atomic nucleus together, as depicted in…

From left: Richard Furnstahl, Ulrich Heinz and Matthew Pratola.

Three College of Arts and Sciences researchers are key members of a new, $3.…

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Earlier this year for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Hasan Kwame Jeffries, associate professor in the Department of History, found himself in front of his…

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Outside the Ohio Statehouse, protests during Gov. Mike DeWine’s press briefings throughout the pandemic…

Distinguished University Professor Frederick Aldama’s abuela used to tell him stories when he was a child about how the chupacabra would get…

Starting in March, life during COVID-19 came to a standstill. There were no dinners with friends and family, no movie theater visits, no concerts…