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Tom Hawkins, associate professor of classics, was looking for a modern interpretation of Sophocles’ “Oedipus Rex” to teach in his Greek mythology class when he stumbled upon “The Darker Face of…

A week of inspiring collaboration and fascinating conversation in the service of building better futures is right around the corner.

From March 3-9, the Humane Technologies Pop-Up…

The Ohio State community celebrated the Year of the Dog with traditional Chinese dances, cuisine, music and more. The event was put together by multiple Ohio State Chinese student organizations…

College can have an incredible impact on a person’s life. For English alumnus Michael Nye (BA, 2000), parts of his experience as a student at The Ohio State University helped shape his debut novel…

Happy Valentine's Day! There are so many ways we experience #BuckeyeLove in the College of Arts and Sciences. Just take a look at our tens of thousands of students, faculty, staff, alumni and…

History Professor David Steigerwald teaches courses in 20th Century America, ranging from WWI through the 1960s and is the director of the department's World War II Study Abroad…

An animator and filmmaker of uncommon empathy and creativity, Chris Landreth visits Ohio State Jan. 17 and 18 as The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (ACCAD) artist-in-residence…

In the Arts and Sciences, 2017 was filled with extraordinary accomplishments, leading-edge teaching and research, and impactful philanthropy. Join us in reflecting upon the year’s high…

Five Arts and Humanities faculty members in the College of Arts and Sciences have received 2017 Ronald and Deborah Ratner Distinguished Teaching Awards:

Alison Beach, Associate Professor,…