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Dehua Pei, Charles H. Kimberly Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, was named the university’s 2017 Innovator of the Year on March 6 at the Office of Research’s annual…

Students and alumni in the College of Arts and Sciences are no strangers to receiving awards and recognition. Among the college’s most recent award winners, fourth-year student Anna Voelker has…

Zeynep Saygin, assistant professor of psychology, and Hannah Shafaat, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, have been named recipients of the 2018 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowships…

As market forces drive electronic and mechanical devices to become smaller and smaller, there is a rapidly intensifying need for high-density and energy-efficient magnetic information storage.…

Happy Valentine's Day! There are so many ways we experience #BuckeyeLove in the College of Arts and Sciences. Just take a look at our tens of thousands of students, faculty, staff, alumni and…

Scientists are finding galaxies billions of light years away from Earth, yet there are still discoveries to be made right next door.

In January, data from the Dark Energy Survey — which…

It is no secret that achieving diversity is an ongoing challenge in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields. Since 1987, the National Science Foundation has sponsored…

Steffen Lindert, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and faculty member under the university’s Translational Data Analytics Discovery Theme, has received a five-…

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With their unique structures and breathtaking colors, coral reefs are one of the world’s most inspiring and appreciated natural wonders. They’re also…