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The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, pictured above, is the nation’s first memorial dedicated to the legacies of slavery. (Photo courtesy of…

In his new role as director of the American Economic Association (AEA) Mentoring Program, Trevon Logan isn’t necessarily looking to push the field of economics into more research on diversity and…

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Earlier this year for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Hasan Kwame Jeffries, associate professor in the Department of History, found himself in front of his…

Carriers at the Red Cross Emergency Ambulance Station in Washington, D.C., during the influenza pandemic of 1918. Source: National Photo Company.…

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Every night when Elisabeth Root comes home, her daughter asks what she did that day.

“I’ll say, ‘Well, I told the governor this,’ or, ‘I got to…

We’ve all heard about dwindling biodiversity across the planet, but it turns out scientists have a difficult time actually verifying it. 

Because it’s impossible to continually count…

One of the greenhouses managed by Ohio State's Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center

An often-overlooked plant with a hard-to-pronounce…

The College of Arts and Sciences houses compelling artists, inquisitive scholars, brilliant scientists and dynamic spaces. We are excited to share some of this year’s high points as we…

The Department of Mathematics is gaining the public’s attention through its outreach program, Buckeye Aha! Math Moments (BAMM).

BAMM, created by visiting assistant professor Érika Roldán…